Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Maiden Voyage

It has been a long time plan to get into blogging, what with all the fun activities and travelling I get into.

Well, here goes - my maiden trip into the blogging world, to share my life experiences from triathlons, bike-camps, scuba diving, and in the future, hopefully - flying!

Stay tuned for more lengthy articles in the near future.

Bye for now.

Find out the places I have been to in the Philippine Map below:


  1. congrats sa blog mo, buti ka pa nakapag-start na.in blogging, starting the first blog is the hardest.good luck bro and hope to read more of your adventures.

    fiftysomething guy who also wants to blog :)

  2. Thanks Arci. I just stumbled upon a button in someone else's blog that says "create blog". I tried it and it got me through a series of easy steps to create one, then just started writing.
    You just go ahead and do it.

  3. looking forward to reading about your journey to living a healthy lifestyle :)

  4. Thanks M, keep on following me then...

  5. congrats eric! it's about time :) i'm sure your blog will inspire others towards a healthy and fun lifestyle. looking forward to future posts :)

  6. Thanks Roche, basta you keep planning the trips, we will be there.

  7. Congratz Boy! Catchy blog name. I can relate too because I'm fifty-something too. Be very glad to be one of your first five followers

  8. Thanks Doc, takbo na tayo.
